Maailman Lapsen Oikeuksien Päivää Juhlittiin Suomessa Monikulttuurisella Ohjelmalla
Vantaalla ja Jyväskylässä järjestettiin värikäs ja monipuolinen tapahtuma Maailman Lapsen Oikeuksien Päivän kunniaksi. Ohjelma toi yhteen eri kulttuuritaustoista tulevia perheitä ja lapsia juhlistamaan lapsen oikeuksia, monimuotoisuutta ja yhteisöllisyyttä. Lapset esiintyivät laulaen eri kielillä. Musiikki- ja tanssiesitykset energiallaan ja elinvoimallaan ihastuttivat … Lue lisää
Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi and Hizmet Movement
Fethullah Gülen is a prominent Turkish Muslim scholar, author, and advocate for interfaith dialogue, education, and peace. Known for his deep commitment to the cooperation of civilizations, he emphasizes tolerance, spirituality, and democratic values. Gülen’s teachings encourage harmony between faith … Lue lisää
Ystäväprojekti ja Yhteiskunnallinen Tietoisuus
Yksinäisyyden Torjunnassa Askel Eteenpäin: Ystäväprojekti ja Yhteiskunnallinen Tietoisuus Yksinäisyys on nykyään merkittävä ongelma sekä yksilöille että yhteiskunnille. Sosiaalisten suhteiden puutteesta johtuva yksinäisyys saa yksilön tuntemaan itsensä syrjäytetyksi ja eristyneeksi. Tämä ei ole vapaaehtoinen yksinäisyys, vaan ei-toivottu sosiaalinen eristyminen. Pitkäaikainen yksinäisyys … Lue lisää
Ystäväprojekti: Taistellaan Yhdessä Yksinäisyyttä Vastaan!
Yksinäisyys on kasvava ongelma yhteiskunnassamme. Nuorista vanhuksiin monet ihmiset kamppailevat sosiaalisen eristäytymisen ja yksinäisyyden kanssa. Tämä ei vain vaikuta yksilöiden henkiseen hyvinvointiin, vaan heikentää myös yhteisöllisyyden ja yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta.Punainen Risti ja Together Platform tukevat “Ystäväprojektia”, joka on suunniteltu vastaamaan tähän … Lue lisää
Kansainvälistä naistenpäivä-tapahtumat vietettiin Helsingissä, Oulussa, Turussa ja Jyväskylässä Together Platformin toimesta.
Puhujina olivat muun muassa professori Anna Maija Lämsä, tohtori Cristal Spel ja tohtori Anna Lewkevitz-Salminen. Esityksissä käsiteltiin naisten kokemaa väkivaltaa ja epäoikeudenmukaisuutta sekä naisten voimaa ja maailmanhistoriaa muuttaneita naisia. Lisäksi järjestettiin paikallisiin Afrikan, Turkin ja Kaukoidän kulttuureihin liittyvä vaatetusnäyttely. Esitysten … Lue lisää
As Turku Together platform, we were at the opening night of African History Month..
We were very happy to take part in the opening night of African History Month as the Turku Together platform. In the program, we talked about the great achievements of black inventors and we had the opportunity to express ourselves … Lue lisää
Together Platform 10. Joulukuuta Ihmisoikeuspäivän Julistus
Joskus sanat eivät riitä. Kohtaamamme ihmisoikeusrikkomusten ja väkivallan mittakaava saa meidät joskus vaikenemaan. Sanamme katoavat sen edessä, mitä todistamme. Mutta tiedämme, että jokaisen ihmisen arvokkuus, uskonnosta, kansalaisuudesta, alkuperästä, sukupuolesta ja poliittisista näkemyksistä riippumatta, on loukkaamaton. On vastoin omatuntoamme olla todistamatta … Lue lisää
Lasten Oikeuksien Päivän Juhlissa Viihdettä ja Poliisiyhteistyötä
Lapset oppivat ja viihtyivät Together-alustan järjestämässä Lasten oikeuksien päivä -tapahtumassa.Järjestettiin värikäs tapahtuma 6-12-vuotiaille lapsille täynnä hauskanpitoa ja tietoisuutta. Lapset saivat unohtumattoman kokemuksen erilaisilla peleillä, aktiviteetteilla ja poliisin osallistumisella. Lapset voi tulla onnellisia ja vauraita yksilöitä tulevaisuudessa keräämällä onnellisia muistoja. Vanhempien … Lue lisää
Teacher’s Day was Celebrated in Oulu and Hämeenkylä School in Vantaa
Teacher’s Day was celebrated in Oulu. About 50 people participated in the event. The event, where our teachers also gave speeches, also had video presentations and a kahoot competition. At the end of the program, guests were served Turkish snacks, … Lue lisää
The 3rd Issue of “Together” Magazine is Published
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Concert With the Theme of “Living Together”
People from diverse cultures and nationalities gathered in Finland on June 20, World Refugee Day, led by the Together Platform and Harmony Art of FinPolar Association. Mexican, Syrian, Finnish, Peruvian, Turkish, Ugandan and Iraqi artists performed at the concert, which … Lue lisää
Painting Exhibition ”To Be Refugee and Hope”
To Be Refugee and Hope We organized a Painting Exhibition on June 20, World Refugee Day in Martinlaakson Koulu Vantaa. On the one hand, refugees and difficult migration routes, on the other hand, pictures of hopes and dreams made by … Lue lisää
World Refugee Day event on 20 June in Hämeenlinna
Together Platform and municipality of Hämeenlinna organized the World Refugee Day event on 20 June in Hämeenlinna. About 100 people from different backgrounds participated in the event.During the day, the city’s mayor Niklas Lähteenmäki gave a speech about the efforts … Lue lisää
March 8, International Women’s Day was celebrated with events held in Helsinki, Oulu and Hämeenlinna
March 8, International Women’s Day, became the symbol of the fight for equality, independence, freedom, elimination of political and economic injustices, ending sexual discrimination, preventing all forms of violence against women, and providing decent living and working conditions befitting human … Lue lisää
Joint Statement on the Occasion of International Women’s Day 2023
Please click here to download the statement as a PDF.
World Children’s Rights Day
For World Children’s Rights Day, children from all over Finland drew their dreams. Our exhibition, which consists of the dreams of children who participated in our digital drawing course, which lasted about two months, exhibited in the Oodi library on … Lue lisää
We Celebrated World Teachers’ Day in Different Cities in Finland
In its most common sense, education is considered an investment in human capital. Education is the development of a person’s emotional, physical and mental abilities at the highest level.Education is the most important factor that provides individual and social development … Lue lisää
Celebrating the World Teacher’s Day on October 5th
We take immense pleasure in welcoming you to our “world teacher’s day” event. Also known as International Teachers Day, World Teachers Day is held yearly on October 5. Since its set up in 1994, the day celebrates the marking of … Lue lisää
Art Exhibition for World Children’s Rights Day.
If you want your children to attend the free course we have made for the preliminary preparations of our digital painting exhibition at the Oodi library as part of the 20th November World Children’s Rights Day and want them to … Lue lisää
What does July 15 Mean in a Little Girl’s World?
A certain date can change your life forever.What does July 15 mean in a little girl’s world? This video showcases the different challenges that began on July 15, 2016, that a child may have trouble even understanding them and is … Lue lisää
”Blue Bus” Documentary Tells About 15th of July
On 15 July hundreds of Turkish soldiers were sent around 21:00 to block traffic on a Bosphorus bridge. They didn’t know they were starting a “coup.” Many were lynched. Who choreographed that prime time atrocity? The regime won’t allow an … Lue lisää
Campaign for Supporting Affected Ukranians in Finland.
On behalf of World Refugee’s Day we are glad to initiate our latest campaign for supporting affected Ukranians in Finland.TOGETHER we can make it happen!📌 Please contact us before importing the products.
No to War!
NO TO WAR , wherever in the world.We are very sorry for the ongoing war in Ukraine. Our hearts are with Ukrainian people.The world is tired of wars. We have enough bitter experience of war.Today, as the chairman of Together … Lue lisää
“World Human Rights Day” Art Exhibition
On the occasion of the “World Human Rights Day”, we exhibited the paintings on Immigration and Refugees, made by award-winning painters from all over the world, at the Kalasataman Vapaakaupunki in Helsinki. Click here for press release in Finnish and … Lue lisää
20 November World Children’s Day was Celebrated in Helsinki..
20 November World Children’s Day, organized by the Together Platform and Youth in Together, was celebrated with a well-attended program in Helsinki. In order to raise awareness, the rights of the child victims and the situation of the children were … Lue lisää
We are meeting on November 21
20th November 2021World Children’s Day Address & TimeHermannin rantatie 5 – Helsinki21st November & 14.30
We were in Helsinki Kansalaistori to be the Voice of the World’s Children.
As Together Platform, we came together by pedaling our bicycles to be the voice of the children of the world. Many volunteers gathered in front of the Oodi library tried to be the voice of children living in very difficult … Lue lisää
Pedal For the Children of the World
As Together Platform, we will come together by pedaling our bikes to be the voice of the world’s children. The program will start on 1 of August at 10.30am and will end at 14.00 with a press release to the … Lue lisää
Statement- Women´s Day 2021
We, Together Platform, call upon all States and relevant stakeholders worldwide to takeurgent steps in combating gender-based violence against women with particular focus ondomestic violence. Elimination of discrimination and gender-based violence againstwomen can only be accomplished if all decisionmakers embrace … Lue lisää
Independence Day Finland
Dear People of Finland; I would like to wish, on behalf of Together Platform, happy Independence Day and would like to extend my warm wishes to the people of Finland as we celebrate this special day altogether. Today, 6th of … Lue lisää
20 November World Children’s Day Event
Hi there! On November 20th at 17:00 , we will have a fun event for children.It would be really nice to see all children there😊 but, of course, do not forget to wear a mask and remember to keep social … Lue lisää
Humanity Has Died on a White Chair
Today, we have gathered here as volunteers of Together Platform. The reason why we are here is to demonstrate against the ongoing persecution in Turkey, standing against all such unacceptable violations and shouting out “That’s enough! Stop the cruel persecution.” … Lue lisää
The Death on a White Chair
Tomorrow , we will gather here as volunteers of Together Platform. The reason why we are here is to demonstrate against the ongoing persecution in Turkey, standing against all such unacceptable violations and shouting out “That’s enough! Stop the cruel … Lue lisää
Press Release by Together Platform on the Occasion of World Teacher’s Day
Press Release by Together Platform on the occasion of World Teacher’s Day, October 5th. Today is 5th of October – World Teacher’s Day World Teachers’ Day held annually on 5 October since 1994, commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of … Lue lisää
Press Release About the So-called “July 15 Coup Attempt”
The so-called coup attempt “July 15” serves as a justification for the complete conversion of a country’s administrative system and persecution of hundreds of thousands in Turkey. On July 15, 2016 Turkey witnessed an attempted but failed military coup against … Lue lisää
World Refugee Day
20th of June, World Refugee Day, Message from Together Platform regarding World Refugee Day. …I once was dreaming to fly to other countries and see their culture, taste their exotic foods, make friendships and then to invite those people that … Lue lisää
Mother’s Day
”Heaven lies beneath the feet of mothers” (Hz. Muhammed, saw-pbuh) I am a mother from Turkey. It is perceived very blessed to be a mother in my home country. However, There are tearful mothers in Turkey. In Turkey, 11.000 women … Lue lisää
Let’s Donate Blood as Together Volunteers
Let’s donate blood as Together volunteers:800 blood donors are needed every working day in Finland to treat the seriously ill people according to Punainen Risti.As Together Platform, we encourage our followers and volunteers to step forward to make a change … Lue lisää
Message from Together Platform Regarding Coronavirus Outbreak.
Dear Ms. / Mr., We are all utterly shocked and dismayed at the human loss incurring and the excruciating pain due to coronavirus pandemic across the world. I would like to extend, on behalf of Together Platform, my deep sympathies … Lue lisää
The Support by Together for Coronavirus
In the fight against outbreak of Coronavirus, We declare that as Together Platform we stand by the local officials and NGO’s in their endeavors to contain the pandemic and like to offer any assistance to make a contribution in this … Lue lisää
They are our mothers, wives, siblings, friends. They are our means of existence. They are our partners, the direct addressee of the problems in the world. They are TRANSPARENT HEROES that do not hesitate to give their lives to their … Lue lisää
Academic Calendar
If you want to get information about Academic Calendar (2019-2020), click here If you want to get information about Academic Calendar (2020-2021), click here
Second Exhibition
We are making our second exhibition about refugees, starting from 14th February. It will be exhibited in Stoa Culture Center,Helsinki, Finland.
Together Second Cartoon Exhibition
As Together Platform, we are a non-profit social media organization that is run by people whose have different backgrounds and cultures and founded in December 2019, and a group of human right activists and voluntaries growing day by day, consist … Lue lisää
By AST Reporter, Nur Ozer
“I was so afraid to go to the hospital for delivery. I had planned to have the majority of my labor contractions at home so that I would not be taken into custody,” says Ayse Kaya in an interview she … Lue lisää
Give My Hometown Back to Me
Give my hometown back to meA bunch of hope flowers;Violets, tulips, rosesChirping nightingalesDon’t let my soul lackFrom glittering four seasons, Give my hometown back to meFor lives, deprived of blueFor the agonies inside me, scattering like a glueLet the songs … Lue lisää
Lament of Oppressed
Some are outside, some are still prisonerSome, afterlife, will reunionSome have days to sufferOutcries of oppressed are knocking on heaven Who is that coming from the desert; Joseph or Moses?What is happening to us? How long times?Is this Jacob’s lament … Lue lisää
Being a Mother in Turkey
I was detained for the first time in my life on September 12, 2017. The day when my son was born… Our baby was born at the end of a 9-month difficult period. It had been only half an hour … Lue lisää
Kimi içerde, kimi dışardaKiminin vuslatı ahrete kaldıKiminin çilesi bitmedi dahaMazlumun feryadı arşa dayandı Yusuf mu, Musa mı şu çölden gelen?Neler yaşıyoruz? Hangi zamandır?Yakub’un ahı mı derinden gelenBunlar görülmedi hayli zamandır Yusuflar kuyuda, Musa denizdeAkabe yokuşu ne çetin yermişFiravun boğuldu kızıl … Lue lisää
Kokusuz Bahçeler
Aynı anda okusak bir şiiriYağmur yağıyor o tepeyeToprak kokusu sızan kabirDoldukça boşalan ıslakSarığı kırık mermerPusulasız çıkıyorum bu seferŞehirleri birbirine katıp birazDenizsiz şehirleri /Doğuda bir ağacın altı ne koyudur şimdiDinlenmem için uzun bir yol var önümdeFelçli bir kırlangıç nasıl göçerHangi mevsimi … Lue lisää
Türkiye’ de Anne Olmak
Ben ömrümde ilk defa gözaltına 12 eylül 2017 de alındım. Oğlumun doğduğu gün…9 aylık zorlu bir sürecin sonunda çocuğumuz dünyaya gelmişti. Daha yarım saat olmuştu doğumdan çıkalı. Bunun sevincini ve heyecanını yaşarken polisler geldiler odaya. Kursağımızda kaldı annelik ve babalık … Lue lisää
First Lady Melania Trump visits Tulsa, Oklahoma
First Lady Melania Trump arrived in Tulsa, Oklahoma this morning for the first stop on a two-day, three-state swing promoting her Be Best initiative. Upon arrival, Mrs. Trump was greeted by the First Lady of Oklahoma, Sarah Stitt; Congressman Kevin Hern … Lue lisää
The Turkish government has given more than $3,5 million to 249 informants for the arrest or murder of dissidents deemed ‘terrorists’
The Turkish government has been giving money to citizens who help security and intelligence officers arrest or kill those who on the ‘wanted terrorist’ list from Ankara. The ‘terrorists’ mostly include members of the Gulen Movement and the Kurdistan Worker’s … Lue lisää
US Senator Slams Erdogan Over ‘Autocratic Torment’ of Turkish NBA Star Enes Kanter
Istanbul has been seeking the Turkish basketball center’s extradition as of late due to his backing of Muslim preacher Fethullah Gulen, who is currently hiding on American soil, although denying any involvement in the 2016 attempt to ouster President Recep … Lue lisää
Hakan Sukur
THE FAMOUS FOOTBALL PLAYER HAKAN SUKUR IS DECLARED AS A TERORIST He was a legend. He had it all: ❑Record goal scorer for Galatasaray and his country, ❑Huge respect even from fans of the other Turkish giants, Fenerbahce and Besiktas. … Lue lisää
Pastor Andrew Brunson
Innocent Pastor Andrew Brunson was kept under detention for 2 years. More recently The court of Turkey has released him. He went back to the USA and talked in television channel aboutdifficult conditions in Turkeywith his perspective.
Interview with Mr. Fethullah Gulen
Finnish Journalist Tom Kankkonen went to Pennsylvania to interview with Mr. Fethullah Gulen. (Via: Yle Arena)